Warren Darren Barret has been an apprentice for two years at Northway Primary and Fairway Primary Schools in Barnett, London. He undertook a Facilities apprenticeships through Inspire ATA and LMP Education and really enjoyed his role working across different school sites. After working really hard and showing full commitment to the role Warren has recently secured a full-time job with Northway and Fairway schools.  

All the teams at LMP Education and Inspire ATA are thrilled for Warren and we recently received a wonderful message from his mother Diana. She wrote:

‘I am so pleased that Warren has got this wonderful job. It could not have been possible without your help, support, and guidance. My words cannot express how grateful I am to you all at LMP for giving my son (who is also Autistic) this fantastic opportunity that otherwise would have never been possible for him.

We have recently been on holiday to Italy for a week to celebrate as a family and are really looking forward to the future together. This could not have been possible without your input.

Warren has grown into a lovely independent and confident, working young man!”

Here at LMP, we strive to create inspirational journeys and deliver excellence in learning. Warren is an amazing example to inspire others that if you work hard as an apprentice anything is possible. Well done Warren.

To find out more information about the apprenticeships we provide and how we can help, contact info@lmpeducation.org

