Rachel Green is 20 years old and she is an Early Years Educator Apprentice at Laurence Haines School in Watford. She decided to do an apprenticeship as she had always wanted to work and learn at the same time. She enjoys being a hands-on learner and has discovered new confidence in herself during this training programme. 

In her own works, Rachel shares her apprenticeship journey;

“One of the best things about my role is building relationships with the children in my setting, as well as creating and completing activities with them! I have been supported immensely with my two tutors Scarlet Horsley and Kate Merrick, and I wouldn’t have been able to complete this course without them. I am so glad to have had them as my tutors.

I am now more confident in situations I wouldn’t have been as confident before this course, as well as I can use my initiative and create actives or games on the spot for my key children or children in my setting.

The next steps in my life include continuing to purse my early years career. I am thrilled that the school have now offered me a permanent position!”

We wish Rachel the best of luck for the future and congratulate her on successfully gaining a permanent role.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Apprenticeship opportunities available visit our apprenticeship page.

Discover more about the Level 3 Early Years Educator Apprenticeship programme.

Early Years Educator Apprentice - Rachel
