Charlene Gordon, a 44 year old early years apprentice managed to overcome her fear of maths and English through her apprenticeship journey at LMP Education.

Charlene has shared her story with us:

My name is Charlene and I recently embarked on a transformative educational journey, with LMP.  I have had a Long-life fear of maths and English that stemmed from past negative experiences and personal challenges. After struggling with these challenges I knew I wanted to conquer these subjects. With a background in caring for neurodiverse children at home and dealing with personal anxieties, my commitment to improving my skills was nothing short of deserving.

Challenges Faced

My fear of my maths stemmed from early childhood experiences where I received little to no support, leaving me feeling miserable and discouraged.  At home, my mother’s harsh responses to my mistakes, especially in maths and spelling, further amplified my anxiety.  These negative attributes enhanced my fear and lack of confidence in my academic abilities.  Additionally, managing my studies with LMP (Early Years Level 3 Practitioner, Maths and English functional skills) while working full-time and maintaining a home life presented significant challenges.

Solutions Implemented 

Understanding the unique challenges I faced, LMP paired me with a tutor called Kate Merrick to assist me with Maths and English. Kate was very patient, supportive and understanding in her approach to learning, which is what I needed.  I found such a mentor in Kate’s tutoring, who took the time to understand how my mind worked and introduced different methods of learning that suited me.  Initially, we focused on Maths, addressing my fears head-on.  Over a span of two years, my journey was filled with both tears and laughter.  Kate’s loyal support and tailored teaching methods were crucial, pushing me to achieve what I once thought impossible.

My Journey and Results

After two years of persistent hard work, I attempted my Level 2 Maths exam but unfortunately did not pass. I knew I had not passed, however I was glad I had experienced it.  I had to wait three months for my results and when I received them my tutor told me I had missed it by ten marks (2 questions). With this setback, we decided to shift my focus to English, aiming to build my confidence and maintain motivation.  On the day of my English exam, despite suffering with cold and flu symptoms, I persevered. My efforts paid off receiving the news just four days later, I had passed. My achievement initially felt surreal, but receiving my certificate reinforced my sense of accomplishment.   

Returning to Maths, we aimed for Level 1 qualification, considering my ongoing personal struggles and anxiety.  Kate’s continued support, even arranging for a supportive presence during my exam, highlighted the dedication to my success. On the day of my exam and completing my exam, I had noticed the paper stated Level 2.  I remember texting Kate asking if this was correct.  And to my despair, she confirmed that I had actually completed Level 2 exam rather than Level 1.

Despite my self-doubt and anxiety during the waiting period, (which was more than ten days) I had convinced I had failed) my hard work and determination culminated in passing.  The emotional moment of receiving my results while out with my young daughter couldn’t have been more thrilling.


My journey is testament to the impact of tailored support and mentorship received from Kate Merrick.  Overcoming a lifelong fear of maths and ongoing confidence in my academic abilities has been transformative for me.  My story illustrates with the right support, dedication and perseverance, it is never too late to achieve one’s goals. 

I am proud of my achievements; my story inspires me and my commitment by being provided with support, understanding and guidance that every learner deserves.  My newfound confidence and the skills I have developed are a true reflection of what is possible when you have the right support, dedication and patience.  

Without my LMP tutor Kate I know I could have not embraced on this journey, alone.  I have now passed and completed my Early Years Educator Level 3 with Maths and English so I am thrilled.

Congratulations Charlene. We wish you all the best in the future from the LMP team.

