Discover more about our employability programmes | LMP

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Helping young people to take the next step

Our employability programmes support young people and adults who are NEET/economically inactive into sustainable progressions in education, employment or training. We have designed our programmes to be uplifting, easy to access and fully supported. We work together with young people (age 16-24) to put them on a career pathway so that they can realise their potential and move into a positive destination.

Making a difference

Our skilled advisors provide information, advice and careers guidance to actively help find jobs, apprenticeships and education opportunities.

teaching assistant courses

Our objectives:

  • To provide support to participants in accessing relevant and appropriate opportunities, through one-to-one and group sessions, motivational and confidence building activities, and supported employment mechanisms
  • To give ongoing guidance to the participant when ‘crisis’ or transition points arise, through mentoring and coaching, conflict management/resolution, financial management/budgeting, and support with housing and accommodation
  • Avoid the revolving door of people moving in and out of training without gaining employment experience, which often leads to long-term unemployment or economic inactivity as they move into adulthood
  • Establish and maintain good relationships with local employers and other organisations to secure additional opportunities and support for participants.

Start your journey today

Together we help motivate people to move forward, guiding them down a clear pathway of encouragement so that they can realise their full potential. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from additional support through one of our programmes, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you.

Creating your best future can start at any point with just one small goal, a little support and a lot of ambition.

We’re here to help.
Let the journey begin

Get Started
Short courses