Earlier this month we were thrilled to announce that Alexey completed his Teaching Assistant apprenticeship with Inspire ATA. He started his placement at Northway Primary School in February 2022 as part of the new DfE flexi-job apprenticeship agency register scheme.

Alexey is the first apprentice in the UK to complete his programme and Inspire ATA is the first training agency to facilitate this.

Head of Operations at Inspire ATA, Giulia Scarabaggio said: “This pilot scheme has allowed Inspire ATA to support almost 200 young people into employment and introduce them to the world of apprenticeships. We are incredibly proud of all our achievements to date and are excited to see more apprentices complete their journey with us in the upcoming weeks”.

19 year old Alexey worked as a SEN Teaching Assistant apprentice at Northway Primary School in the London borough of Barnet. He has now progressed onto a full time role within the school and pleased to be the first apprentice to complete on this scheme.

Alexey has always been keen on making a difference in the Special Educational Needs area and wanted to get experience working with children.

Alexey commented: “I am passionate about working in an environment where I can make a positive impact on the lives of children every day. I previously coached sports for younger children and I discovered my desire to use my skills to support children and develop their self-esteem, especially those with challenging behaviour.

Personally, the most valuable aspect of the apprenticeship was the opportunity for on-the-job training. The entire experience presented me with opportunities for hands-on learning, allowing me to put theory into practice and build practical skills. Rather than solely relying on textbook knowledge, I was able to learn from my mentors and colleagues, who provided guidance and support.

My goal is to empower SEN children to reach their full potential and become confident, well-rounded individuals. I believe that every child deserves the opportunity to succeed, and I am committed to making a difference in their lives.

Working as a SEN TA is such a unique experience, it allows me to help children take small steps forward, develop their skills, be a role model, and provide them with learning and emotional support so they can flourish. I am learning about autism, special behavioural needs, different types of communication, how to cope with challenging needs, manage difficult situations and de-escalate them, be patient, and celebrate every small win. Some days are difficult, but every day is incredibly rewarding.

The support I received from Inspire ATA during my apprenticeship was really great, the team was with me every step of the way. Jules and Scarlet kept checking on my progress and encouraging me to aim high. They always kept in touch to make sure I was up to date with my work. The Northway Primary team have also been amazing. I work with an incredible team, Simon and Helen have been very supportive when it comes to practical skills and are always there for me. I have some great mentors in Northway, and I am looking forward to working with them.

The skills for life I have learnt during this apprenticeship include critical thinking, problem-solving, resilience, empathy, communication skills, assertiveness, decision making, and a willingness to learn. I would like to have a career in sports and teach here in the UK or abroad. I am now employed at Northway as a full-time SEN Teaching Assistant, and I would love to continue working here as I really enjoyed this programme.”

Inspire ATA Co-Founder & Director, Matthew Lord added:  “We are delighted for Alexey, not only is he the first person to complete a flexi-job apprenticeship, he has also been offered a job with his placement school, which is fantastic. The flexi-job apprenticeship agency model is a little-known concept that works so well for both employers and apprentices. The support we received from the Department for Education has been excellent throughout the pilot, and as the country’s leading agency, we are now in a strong position to further grow this model and create even more opportunities for young people entering the workforce for the first time.”

Inspire ATA is approved by the Department for Education as a Flexi-Job Apprenticeship Agency and is listed on the Register of Flexi-Job Apprenticeship Agencies.

If you would like to find out more about Apprenticeships and how they can work for you, please contact the Inspire ATA team at info@inspire-ata.co.uk or visit www.inspire-ata.co.uk
