This month we’d like to congratulate Gheorge Wilkinson, a Teaching Assistant Apprentice from Wren Spinney School in Kettering for achieving ‘Apprentice of the Month.’ Gheorge was nominated by her tutor Sharron Dunnings.

“Since starting the course Gheorge has gone above and beyond in her work. Gheorge is also completing maths and English Functional Skills and even as a single mum, she is not letting this phase her.

She is working so hard that when she attends the meeting with me she not only has completed the work set but has already nearly completed on the next assignment!

Gheorge keeps up to date with her off-the-job hours and ensures she attends every session, and works hard with her maths and English, gaining further resources herself to support this.

She is an asset within her placement and when I speak with Jonathan her placement manager in Inspire ATA he is impressed with her work effort and commitment.

She also continues to strive further whilst working ahead of the targets of her course and completing functional skills. She is now also beginning to complete the Anspear training courses to support her CPD. Gheorge is true inspiration.”

Well done Gheorge!

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