Discover more information about careers and employability | LMP

Preparing young people in London for the workplace

Our careers and employability programme aims to improve careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) to meet employers’ needs and to better equip young people in London for working environments.

Funded by the European Social Fund and the Greater London Authority, we are working to deliver the Career Cluster with 15 schools and colleges, alongside local businesses and employers. LMP supports young people to develop their vital employability skills and work readiness, through meaningful employer engagement and work opportunities, whilst also supporting schools and businesses to develop long-term and sustained relationships.


ESF and MOL logo


Young people




Work experience

Careers Event

The programme

The programme is designed to facilitate sustainable relationships between local schools/colleges and employers/higher education institutions to support pupils and share good practice and resources, particularly to those with higher levels of need.

Through better career support and guidance, more students will be able to take the next step in their career and fulfil their potential in the transition from school to work or higher education.

Careers event

Benefits of the programme

The Careers Cluster programme helps:

  • Encourage collaborative working across the clusters to support pupils and share good practice and resources
  • Create better links and relationships between employers, training providers, colleges and higher education that can work together in supporting school leavers
  • Educate teachers about the labour market to improve confidence in providing careers support and guidance to pupils, including progression via academic, technical, vocational and apprenticeship pathways
  • Increase pupil’s knowledge of the world of work and the many different future pathways available to them including progression via academic, technical, vocational and apprenticeships
Careers Event

Get involved and change futures

If you are an employer, school or young person that wants to get involved please get in touch. We are particularly keen to engage with small and medium enterprises with fewer than 250 employees.

Find out how you can make a difference to the future workforce in your area.