Inspire ATA provide flexi-job apprenticeship | LMP

We recruit, employ and support apprentices for you

Inspire ATA is a leading Flexi-Job Apprenticeship Agency, offering short-term apprenticeship placements through a unique recruit, train and deploy model.

We specialise in connecting businesses in all sectors with bright, motivated apprentices. Our tailored apprenticeship recruitment solutions are designed to meet our clients and candidates’ specific needs, fostering growth and development.

We’re not just recruiters, we take care of the apprentice’s entire employment and training journey, managing the relationships with the training providers and the Department for Education whilst ensuring compliance with apprenticeship funding rules and the relevant employment legislation.

Inspire ATA Website


We support many businesses and educational establishments to enable you to invest in new and existing staff using the flexi scheme. Inspire ATA can provide short-term and off-payroll placements, as well as a free recruitment service to develop bespoke career pathways.

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Fast, efficient and quality service

  • We are one of the UK’s leading providers of flexi job apprenticeships
  • We partner with 20+ training providers to deliver 150+ courses
  • 2nd place Best Apprenticeship Employer in RateMyApprenticeship 23/24
  • We arrange the training through one of our partners
  • You simply ‘host’ the apprentice
  • You pay a monthly fee, it’s quick and easy with little paperwork
  • Ideal for short-term and off-payroll apprenticeships (minimum 3 months)
  • We provide full-time support to help manage the apprentice and deal with any issues
  • Approved by the Department for Education

Why choose flexi job apprenticeships?

Apprenticeships provide great benefits and opportunities for everyone involved. Employers with unconventional employment modals or those that are unable to spend the Apprenticeship Levy can still access the opportunities and benefits that come from traditional apprenticeships with flexible contracts. Book a meeting with one of our consultants to explore how to take on an apprentice without having to employ them directly.

Get in touch to learn more

The Process for employers

Step One

Book a meeting with one our consultants

Inspire ATA proven model is designed to help employers overcome structural barriers to making greater use of apprenticeships. Contact us today to find out how we can work together to create amazing opportunities for young people entering the workforce for the first time.

Step Two

Book your apprentices

Complete our booking form to let us know what you would like to recruit for on your behalf. All our applicants go through a thorough interview process prior to being shortlisted.

Step Three

Select the most suitable applicants

Once we have found a good match for your organisation, we would encourage you to complete a final stage interview so you can personally ascertain their suitability for the role.

Step Four

Appointing an applicant

The final choice is yours! Let us know who you would like to appoint so we can start onboarding and enrolment. Inspire ATA will keep you fully updated during the process.

All our courses are certificated and are delivered through a distance learning platform, allowing your staff members to choose when and where they study. They will also be assigned a personal tutor who will be there to support with their learning.


  • Inspire ATA is the only flexi-job apprenticeship training agency specialising in the education sector.
  • Since 2017 we have employed apprentices on behalf of organisation, supporting 900+ young people into employment so far.
  • We offer risk-free recruitment/employment solutions for organisations of all sizes.
  • We provide you with a wide selection of applicants and can schedule interviews on your behalf.
  • We arrange apprentice training for all apprentices we take on.
  • We provide all apprentices with thorough employment and safeguarding inductions within the first few weeks of employment.
  • We manage relationships with training providers and End Point Assessment Organisations (EPAOs) on your behalf.


  • We manage the funding side of things and deal with any ESFA queries directly.
  • We have an in-house support team that offers our apprentice relevant support, information, advice and guidance on a regular basis.
  • We support you with any safeguarding-related queries or concerns.
  • We manage apprentices’ holidays and sickness via our centralised HRMS which we can give you access to as non-employees.
  • We monitor attendance closely to identify potential risks to your business and propose effective solutions.
  • We monitor the apprentices’ performance and progress regularly and set SMART targets as and when required.
  • We conduct regular reviews and collect feedback to identify potential areas for improvement.

An award-winning apprenticeship provider

LMP is proud to be an award-winning provider that is dedicated to delivering the best possible training solutions for organisations and individuals.

Education Investor Awards 2024
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