Josh is 23 and he has recently completed a Digital Marketer Level 3 Apprenticeship with LMP Education. He has achieved a distinction and is now aiming high with a career in the creative and media industry. He has been supported by his employer, Red Sentence in Surrey and his tutor Lucas Karemo at LMP Education.

He is keen to inspire others so here is Josh’s apprenticeship journey;

‘I chose this apprenticeship because I wanted to get into the marketing and advertising industry after being inspired by several advertising campaigns. I decided that an apprenticeship would be the best way for me to get a foot in the door and learn the practical knowledge skills and behaviours that I needed to make a successful career in the creative and media sector.

The apprenticeship was highly beneficial to me as it gave me the opportunity to learn about the entire creative and media industry, acquire the actual skills that I wanted to become successful and gain invaluable work experience; all whilst receiving a salary for my efforts.

One of the best things about my role is the freedom to be creative and explore various ideas and plans of my own. This creative freedom gives me the motivation to embrace new challenges and inspires me to explore innovative solutions. It also allows me to expand my skills and grow both personally and professionally. I’ve completed several self-development accredited creative and media courses and applied these techniques to my work.

During the program I received fantastic support from both my employer and tutor. My employer, Red Sentence, consistently offered me the necessary tasks and challenges that allowed me to enhance my skills and expand my portfolio. My tutor Lucas, provided me with exceptional one-on-one sessions throughout my apprenticeship, and focussed on highlighting my competencies in my summative portfolio and preparing me for EPA. Their guidance and support were invaluable in equipping me with the skills and knowledge needed to get a distinction in my assessments.

I believe the most valuable skill I have learnt is effective communication as it enables me to articulate my thoughts, ideas and perspectives clearly. By improving my communication skills I have been able to work well within my team and build strong relationships with clients. I also believe this skill is the most important as it is something that will take with me throughout my professional journey and personal life.

My next step is to get an internship in a marketing and media department of a renowned agency or company. This is a goal of mine because with up-skilling and professionally developing, I will learn more about the wider industry, including different roles and sectors. This opportunity will give me a wider perspective, enabling me to identify the areas where my primary skills can be best applied.’

Good luck in the future Josh from everyone at LMP Education.

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