Lucy, age 28 is a Digital Marketing apprentice at National Animal Welfare Trust, one of the UK’s top animal welfare charities operating five rehoming centres across the south of England. After completing a university course she gained an interest in social media and decided to embark on a Digital Marketing Apprenticeship to explore this further.

Here is Lucy’s apprenticeship journey:

“I chose this apprenticeship programme to enhance my skills in Digital Marketing. After studying Broadcast Journalism at University, I developed an interest in social media. I wanted to explore this further, so when I saw this apprenticeship in Digital Marketing, covering all aspects including social media, websites, SEO, I thought it would be perfect for me.

I really benefitted from the fact it covered all aspects of Digital Marketing. It allowed me to explore other areas I may not have looked at during my role, such as SEO. It also allowed me to use different tools, such as SEMrush, which may now help me in my role.

The best thing about my role, is the fact that I cover different aspects of Digital Marketing, so that I can continue to enhance my skills. I enjoy having lots of responsibilities including social media, email marketing, website management, and studying analytics.

My LMP tutor Veronique supported me in every way possible, including contacting me regularly to see how I am getting on, and offering lots of support. Veronique would also talk through everything with me clearly and explain it in a way that I understand. She also would offer advice and ideas when I was struggling, as well as recommending additional resources and courses I could look at to help my studies further.

The most important skill I have learnt is Google Analytics as I have now realised how much this is going to influence future projects. It is so important to know how campaigns, and social posts are performing, as this helps me decide what I can try again or avoid. It also helps me to understand my target audience more, as I can see what they like and dislike.

The next step is to hopefully progress and perhaps one day become a Marketing Manager. I want to continue to learn and will carry on completing the courses on Google so I can better myself and improve.”

Lucy, Digital Marketing Apprentice

If you would like to find out more about Apprenticeship and how they can work for you please contact the LMP Apprenticeships team

Find out more about the LMP Digital Marketing apprenticeship here: Digital Marketer – LMP (

