19 year old Ben is a Teaching Assistant apprentice through Inspire ATA, where he has his placement at Thomas Bewick School, a specialist school for autistic children and young people in Newcastle upon Tyne. 

A member of his family works with Special Educational Needs (SEN) children so this gave him an understanding of the role and what to expect. 

In a recent meeting with his tutor, Ben shared his story. 

“I have always wanted to work with SEN children. My cousin taught SEN football at the Stadium of Light and I really found this inspiring, which is why I chose this apprenticeship. 

The best part about my role is that I feel really good about myself at the end of the day as I am also making a difference. One child I was supporting was scared of swimming and would only go in the shallow end. After supporting him for some time he will now go further into the pool and even put his head under the water.  

I appreciate the support I receive from Inspire ATA and LMP Education. The regular phone calls, emails, and help I receive enable  me to be successful on my apprenticeship.” 

Ben, SEN Teaching Assistant Apprentice 

If you would like to find out more about Apprenticeships and how they can work for you, please contact the Inspire ATA team info@inspire-ata.co.uk or visit https://lmp-group.co.uk/apprenticeships/    

Inspire ATA is approved by the Department for Education as a Flexi-Job Apprenticeship Agency and is listed on the Register of Flexi-Job Apprenticeship Agencies

