Lola Humbles – Early Years Educator at LEYF
National Apprenticeship Week

Lola is 23 and recently completed a Level 3 Early Years Educator Apprenticeship with a distinction at the LEYF Nursery Group.  She chose an apprenticeship because it combined studying with gaining workplace experience, and enabled her to enhance her career prospects as a result.

 Here is Lola’s apprenticeship journey in her own words

“When I was at college I was able to do an internship at a LEYF nursery which helped me decide to pursue a career in childcare. I then started an apprenticeship and it allowed me to gain the practical experience of working in a nursery. At the same time I was working alongside an Early Years Practitioner learning theoretical and professional skills and knowledge. I was also able to see the everyday application of my training and work with children directly whilst doing my apprenticeship.

Working with the children and seeing them learn and grow is one of the best things about my role. I enjoy learning about child development and how important it is to support them through every stage of their life. Through working with colleagues at LEYF we have been able to give the children the best experience as possible.

I have also had the most wonderful support from my LMP tutor, she has guided me through every stage of the training, has given me extra help when I needed it, has been reassuring and has had faith in my ability to succeed and finish the course.

Over the course of my apprenticeship, I have learnt that you must work hard to achieve anything. I have learnt that it is important to work as a team and work with colleagues and parents and carers to make sure we give the best support children and start them off on their learning journey.

I am hoping to continue to work for LEYF nurseries and have an interview for a full time Early Years Practitioner Post next week.”

If you are interested in finding out more about the Apprenticeship opportunities available visit or contact the Employer team to find out more.

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