Olivia Dutta is 39 and she has recently completed a Level 3 Teaching Assistant apprenticeship and achieved with a distinction grade. She was offered the opportunity to do a TA apprenticeship at Laurance Haines School in Watford, where she was already working. Olivia jumped at the chance to upskill and grow her career as well as gain knowledge and experience.  

She was supported by the team at Laurance Haines school and also LMP Education tutors Ryan and Scarlet.

Here is Olivia’s apprenticeship learning journey:

‘I really wanted to do Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship Level 3 to become a Teaching Assistant in my school as I enjoy working with children. My manager at Laurance Haines offered me the apprenticeship programme through LMP Education, which I accepted, as I didn’t want to miss the opportunity. It has been great as I did not have to leave my job and did the online training during my school hours. The training sessions and meetings are mostly online so I did not need to travel anywhere.  LMP Education is an outstanding institution and the tutors have been so supportive.

The benefits of an apprenticeship are that I can work in a school alongside completing my Teaching Assistant Level 3 training. I can gain experience while working with children in school by implementing what I have learned in my training. The training is online and delivered by the wonderful tutors of the LMP Education apprenticeship programme. 

The best thing about my role is helping in teaching the children in the classroom, specifically with the low-group children and SEN children. 

In the beginning, I used my laptop to do the assignments given to me. I struggled to pass Functional Skills English but Ryan and Scarlet helped and encouraged me a lot which help me to gain confidence in myself. As English is my second language and I did not have a GCSE English certificate, Ryan Daly always guided and helped me in English, sorting out the test papers, how to write notices, articles etc. He answered each question I asked regarding English before my exams. 

Scarlet is the most supportive, motivated tutor who guided and supported me throughout the difficult journey of my Teaching Assistant Level 3 course. She guided me in my assignments, and always used encouraging and positive words. She came to observe me in my school which gave me more confidence and help me to prepare myself for the final exams. She encouraged me on how to achieve a distinction grade during our professional discussions. Whenever I need her support to help me with my course, she always answered my calls and emails even during holidays. 

The most important skill I have learnt is using technology, uploading assignments, doing online training, meetings, and typing within the time limits. In school, we use software for various purposes and I need to continuously look for resources to teach the children. Therefore, it is important to know the usage of technology for the betterment of the students. 

I am now looking forward to training to become a Higher Level Teaching Assistant.’

Congratulations Olivia on your distinction from everyone at LMP Education. 

If you are interested in finding out more about the Apprenticeship opportunities available visit https://lmp-group.co.uk/apprenticeships/ 

