Welcome to National Apprenticeship Week! Throughout this week we will be sharing stories from our current learners to spotlight their achievements and discover different apprenticeship pathways. Today we will be learning about Sophie, a 22-year-old Early Years Educator apprentice from Little Scallywags Day Nursery. Here is her apprentice story:

“I have always wanted to work with young children and so when I saw the apprenticeship advertised, I was really interested in learning about childcare in more detail whilst also working.

The main benefit of an apprenticeship is being able to learn on the job and being able to put the knowledge you are learning into your everyday practise. 

The best thing about my role is seeing the children learn and develop each day using the skills I have taught them or supported them with.

I have had regular check-ins with my LMP tutor Gill where she will either set me the next assignment or give me the opportunity to ask any questions about the work I am doing. 

The most important thing I’ve learned in my apprenticeship are the different milestones for the ages. This is important as it can help me to determine whether a child is where they should be for their age and if they aren’t then I can see what I can do in order to give them a bit of extra support. 

After I complete my apprenticeship, I would like to further my knowledge and skills and use them to maybe go on and do a higher level of training.”

Good luck in the future Sophie!

If you’d like to learn more about working in Early Years explore our Teaching and Early Years Apprenticeships!

