We are proud to announce a new exciting and innovative approach to developing teaching assistants in schools.
Our Teaching Assistant Development Programme (TADP) provides TAs with a flexible and personalised CPD programme. Investing in CPD for Teaching Assistants (TAs) is an important responsibility of all schools and this new initiative gives each one a greater say in their own development.
The package provides access to over 70 different courses including teacher skills, Statutory responsibilities, leadership, pastoral care and SEND plus wellbeing and support.
The project has been developed alongside Anspear and NAPTA.
LMP Education Sales Director Jamie McVey said ‘We are thrilled to be able to offer this package. Our Teaching Assistant level 3 apprentices get free access to our new Teaching Assistant Development Programme, or alternatively, individuals or schools can purchase this package at a cost of £60 per teaching assistant.
As well as offering more general CPD, this programme is designed to help with the 20% ‘off-the-job-training’ element.”
For more information click here to read our TADP catalogue.