A blog by Lily Webb, Digital Marketing Apprentice for LMP Education.
Welcome to my new blog series! I’m Lily Webb, I’m 19 years old and I am a Digital Marketing Apprentice for LMP Education.
My journey towards my position here was quite remarkable, I got an email for a webinar after applying for a multitude of apprenticeships post-A Levels, I was quite tentative about any potential opportunities that could come from this due to it being in June 2020 and the UK being in the middle of the pandemic. However, a series of events seemed to align, and I logged on to the webinar and saw that LMP Education were advertising for a Digital Marketing Apprentice. I sent my CV in as soon as possible, got through the interview process and here I am. I am extremely thankful for the opportunity I was offered mid pandemic as I know many people have not been so lucky.
LMP Education certainly practice what they preach, being an apprentice here I am given the freedom to grow and have a nurturing environment to succeed as much as I possibly can. I am given the responsibility to create content and support the operations of our social media accounts, I have consistent help but also the opportunity to take my own initiative and grow my professional understanding. I also have my creative opinions listened to and they are regularly considered when making marketing decisions which is really encouraging when you are a young apprentice.
I am also given the time I need to diligently study when required so can I achieve the best possible academic achievement I can whilst in my apprenticeship. Additionally, I am given the space in my schedule to successfully carry out the compulsory 20% of my time spent doing off the job training. My team is able to tailor my skill set as an apprentice to suit the needs of LMP Education which means that our department can run as seamlessly as possible, and as the department continues to grow and develop my skill set can also.
My own story as an apprentice is not only a display of successful webinar series but is also one of personal growth and maturity through the opportunity that has been given to me by LMP Education. Apprenticeships not only foster professional growth throughout an organisation but also personal growth as well.
If you would like to start your own journey with an apprentice, one of our consultants can get in touch with you as soon as possible and discuss the best possible options for your organisation. We also have a FREE recruitment service that can help match you with the best possible candidate for your establishment. Contact us for more information at 020 3475 7511 or info@lmpeducation.org or why not try our new live chat option on our website to speak directly to one of our team.
Stay tuned for the next instalment in the WWWEBB blog series for more snapshots of current events within the apprenticeship sector.