LMP Action is once again privileged to be involved in the Hammersmith and Fulham ‘Summer in the City’ initiative in collaboration with H&F Council.

This annual programme is designed to support families on a lower income, or children who are considered to be vulnerable. Children and young people can attend a range of fun sessions and they will have access to a full range of activities and receive a healthy nutritious meal. The ‘Summer in the City’ programme is funded by the H&F Holiday Activities and Food programme.

We have over 30 different providers delivering across H&F there is something for everyone. Sport, music, arts and crafts, drama, dance and family fun for four to 18-year-olds – or up to 25 for those with additional needs.

There are also a number of one-off events happening across the summer, including puppetry workshops, bike maintenance, music, cookery competitions and lots more. The most important thing, this summer, is that every event is FREE.

We are again ensuring that families can have access to a regular source of free nutritious meals over the summer holidays, whether at a local club or at one of our events.

The concepts of the ‘Summer in the City programme’ are about enrichment, learning and wellbeing. Wherever you go will be warm, welcoming and offering a range of unique and exciting opportunities for children and young people.

The launch event of the H&F’s Summer in the City programme is the Picnic in the Park, on Saturday 15 July 12-3pm at Ravenscourt Park W6 London.

We invite you, your family, and friends to join us as we celebrate the beginning of our incredible five weeks of FREE activities and food (limited), across the borough.

Come and join the Picnic in the Park for activities galore, including:

Football challenge
Smoothie bike
Outdoor games
Balloon animals
Martial arts
Creative arts
Mouthwatering food

For more information please visit: https://beta.lbhf.gov.uk/holiday-activities-and-food-programme

#lbhfsummerinthecity #HAF2023
