ESF Learner – Deborah 

Deborah began her leaner journey with LMP Education in March 2022. She had not worked for some time and was eager to get back into work in a childcare setting.

Deborah already had a Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce but was really struggling to find paid work that would fit around her own childcare responsibilities.

Deborah’s confidence in herself and her abilities was also very low due to the number of knockbacks she had received. At this point, we knew the importance of Deborah recognising her own ability and this was incorporated in the sessions with her.

Deborah was supported to tailor her CV for childcare and make it more appealing to employers, she was also helped with her job search, job matching, the application process and interviews.

In August she was successful in gaining childcare work through an agency that fit in around her childcare needs and was so happy she sent the following email:

‘Good evening Marie. Sorry to send this email at this time of day, hopefully you will see it tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve accepted a position which starts tomorrow at 11am and finishes at 3pm. I wanted to say thank you so much for all the help you have given me. You have really increased my confidence and enabled me to get the job that I wanted.

’ We are so proud of Deborah and all she has achieved. LMP Education will continue to support her for the next 6 months whilst she is in work. Well done Deborah.

