Spike joined the Mencap programme for NEET learners with learning difficulties in January this year. He was referred to us by his advisor at the job centre. Spike has autism which can affect his communication and understanding. He had an interest in working with children with mental health needs, but was not sure if this was definitely the route he wanted to take.
We looked at his CV and explored courses and job opportunities that might be of interest to him.  He decided to do the Level 2 Children and Young People’s Mental Health course through our AEB contract. Spike was given the choice to do the course as a fast-track one week course or complete it over a two month period. Spike chose the fast-track course and completed it fully in the one week timeframe.

LMP Tutor Jo Finch said ‘Spike’s standard of work was excellent, he attended the group sessions each morning and contributed to the discussions each time.’
This is great feedback for Spike and his confidence and communication have both improved. He now has a fantastic level 2 course to add to his CV. Spike will now continue to be supported in looking for work and further courses. To find out more about our short courses for adults email aeb@lmpeducation.org

