Molli, age 22, is a Teaching Assistant at Manorfield Primary School. She loves working with SEN. The feeling she gets when she has supported a child in their goals makes her day. Her apprenticeship is delivered by Inspire ATA, a flexi-job apprenticeship agency that employs and supports apprentices across the UK.

“Getting to actually see first-hand what you’re going to be doing. Being thrown in at the deep end stopped me from worrying about putting into practice anything I was learning from behind a desk like when you’re at University or College. Being with the children from day 1 has been the best experience for me starting an apprenticeship.

Working with SEN. I love it. There’s something new every day. My favourite part is watching the children learn and develop. One of the children recently learned how to count to 10 and the feeling you get from knowing you’ve supported the child to achieve that goal is just amazing.

We have a SEN team within the school and there’s always someone around to ask for help. The support from Inspire ATA is amazing, I couldn’t ask for any better and I don’t know what I would’ve done without it.

The school have offered me a full time position when I have completed my apprenticeship. I’m so excited to be able to stay and work with the children.”

Molli, SEN Teaching Assistant Apprentice

If you would like to find out more about Apprenticeships and how they can work for you, please contact the Inspire ATA team or visit     

Inspire ATA is approved by the Department for Education as a Flexi-Job Apprenticeship Agency and is listed on the Register of Flexi-Job Apprenticeship Agencies.

