At LMP Education, our dedicated Learning Support Team is passionate about providing learners with the right adjustments to help them succeed in all aspects of their programme.  

We are pleased to announce that, in response to ongoing feedback, the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) has introduced a much-needed change, granting training providers greater flexibility with Functional Skills requirements for learners with learning difficulties or disabilities who have not completed a formal assessment. 

We are now empowered to conduct thorough, evidence-based assessments of a learner’s difficulties or disabilities to determine their potential to achieve Functional Skills, where they have no equivalent prior attainment. If we, along with the employer, are confident that the learner will succeed in all other elements of the course, we can consider offering them the flexibility to achieve Entry Level 3 Functional Skills. 

This adjustment will positively impact many learners, enabling them to complete their apprenticeships even when English or maths poses a significant challenge. 

Additionally, there is a noteworthy change in the grading equivalence for Level 1. GCSE grades D to G / 3 to 1 are now recognised as meeting the requirement for holding a Level 1 in English and maths. This change applies to both new and existing apprenticeship learners. 

These changes are effective immediately, providing new opportunities and support for learners facing challenges in their Functional Skills. 

If you require any support, we encourage you to inform us of any learning difficulties or disabilities when you enrol or as early as possible in your programme. 
