Level 3 Certificate
Early Years Educator ApprenticeshipCurrent Apprenticeship Opportunities
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Short CoursesApprenticeship level
Level 5 higher
Typical duration
26 months
Training method
Portfolio observation
EPA Organisation
This role is found in a range of settings which can include day nurseries, playgroups, nursery schools, pre-schools, kindergartens, primary schools, hospitals, social care settings, out of school environments and local authority provision. The broad purpose of the occupation is to be a proactive and influential practitioner, working directly with children, skilfully leading day to day practice at an operational level. As active practitioners they are effective role models of play based learning, supporting others to develop their own practice. They are highly skilled professionals who take an operational lead for the care, learning and development of all young children within their care, adapting to individual needs providing inclusive and holistic provision. Working directly with children, skillfully leading day to day practice at an operational level. As active practitioners they are effective role models of play based learning, supporting others to develop their own practice.
Senior Key Worker, Senior Practitioner, Specialist Practitioner in Child Development (health), Community Nursery Nurse
Assistant Manager, Baby Room Leader, Deputy Manager, Early Years Coordinator, Early Years Foundation Stage Lead, or Co-ordinator Early Years Officer.
Receive 10 certificates typically including Commuincating with others at work, Mental health awareness, Understanding stress, ICT for employment, developing behaviours and attitudes for life and work (essentials)
This role is found in a range of settings which can include day nurseries, playgroups, nursery schools, pre-schools, kindergartens, primary schools, hospitals, social care settings, out of school environments and local authority provision. The broad purpose of the occupation is to be a proactive and influential practitioner, working directly with children, skilfully leading day to day practice at an operational level. As active practitioners they are effective role models of play based learning, supporting others to develop their own practice. They are highly skilled professionals who take an operational lead for the care, learning and development of all young children within their care, adapting to individual needs providing inclusive and holistic provision. Working directly with children, skillfully leading day to day practice at an operational level. As active practitioners they are effective role models of play based learning, supporting others to develop their own practice.